Welcome to IJulia notebooks for 18.06

A Few Links:
Learning Resources

Perhaps use "File-->Make a Copy" to copy this notebook, though the original can always be obtained on the 18.06 website. You can edit the title directly by clicking. (Note: The File button is below the IJ symbol)

If you lose connectivity (e.g. the * appears for too long), check if you are still logged in to your google account, or try
Kernel-->Restart and re-execute your lines.

To print use IJulia's Print Preview and the browser's Print. If you only get part of your notebook, possibly try another browser.

INSTRUCTIONS: See if everything just works. Nothing to hand in. If all is well, take the time to play a bit.

If not, drop us a note at 1806-julia-help@googlegroups.com .

In [1]:
# Hit Shift Enter once in each box to execute Julia
In [2]:
# Primes less than 20
x = primes(20)
In [3]:
# Draw a stock market like plot
using PyPlot;  # (may take a little time but only needed once to load the plotting package from Python)
INFO: Loading help data...

In [4]:
# Random 4x4 matrix with entries from 1:10 (Shift-enter a few times)
In [5]:
# Is this Right?
In [6]:
# Get Greek letters and other TeX symbols e.g.  \pi<tab>